I’m now at the book of Ecclesiastes in the Bible and I can’t help but notice how Solomon...
One of the most perplexing, unexplainable things in life is how and why successful people seem so gr...
I lead a team of millenials and centenials largely. These are individuals who are 20 – 40 year...
It’s the first time that we have ever done a strategic plan for the year ahead. I know that it...
Sometimes I wonder about this question. It took God 6 days to build our world and create all that is...
So few companies now have vision. Real vision of the future they want to attain. It’s a sad re...
Yes it exists. Now the word ‘perfect’ here is relative of course as the saying goes R...
This year has been tiring. Business owners are feeling the squeeze of the job market going nuts. Peo...
There are more times than I care to admit where I lose my cool. No I don’t shout or say degrad...