Jack o’ lanterns, witches, bats, hobgoblins, demons and the like. What comes into your mind? When you ask me, that’s not a pretty picture. Halloween, what is in Halloween that we celebrate it so much?
It’s a needless celebration of evil spirits, monsters, creatures that we tend to depict in a cute sort of way by letting the kids don the horrid costumes.
I haven’t celebrated Halloween for quite some time. When I didn’t know what it was about and my family were unaware of what God says about celebrating the devil (or what he represents) we used to join “trick-or-treats” around the neighborhood. But when my parents became aware of Halloween and what it represents and what it’s purpose is, they had us stay at home, telling us not to participate anymore (even if we still love candy and chocolates back in those days)
What am I talking about? What does the Bible say about Halloween?
2 Corinthians 6:14-16
“Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and unrightsousness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said: ‘I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be My people.”
Imagine donning a devil costume and talking with Jesus. Imagine praying to God while wearing a big devilish horn on your head.
Take this example:
Imagine you have someone you really hate (righteously) because he is an unbeliever who curses God, who stole from you, beat you up, spat on your face etc… (basta you hate him) Isn’t it a disgraceful thing when your son asks you for a favor and he’s wearing the ring (or a signet of sorts) of that person? And your son even does it purposefully, knowing fully that that signet is from your enemy – and he celebrates that signet.
That’s just an analogy to make things simple. But think of the truth in it. What’s the point of celebrating Halloween anyway? To dress your kids up in the form of the devil just to get the temporary pleasure of sweets?
And we wonder why the world has come to love compromise and pleasure huh…
Halloween is such a giveaway – it’s a practice that doesn’t please God. Maybe what you can do is dress up in costumes that doesn’t celebrate the form of dreadful and evil and demonic persona and hang out with your friends, go together in fellowship.
I’m writing this for you to be aware of the practices of the world today. Be wise. Choose what’s right and flee away from the wrong things. I know it’s hard, almost impossible, but it’s doable if you even try.
I’m not being legalistic about the celebration of Halloween. I just want you to be more aware of it’s origin and purpose. I believe it can be celebrated with unbelievers for the glory of God. That is my goal every Halloween. I hope it would be yours too.